Hey…thanks for checking us out!
Whether your company has hundreds of employees under one roof or it’s only you plugging away every day, here at Absolute Web Site Design, we know how important it is to look as professional as possible. You take your business seriously and you want your customers to think the same way about it, right? Your professional image includes your site, but taking care of every aspect of your online presence can be a daunting task. That’s why we’re here…in little Romeo, Michigan.
Rest assured, we do not sub-contract or outsource any aspect of our work. Everything is done in-house and Made In Michigan!
Our Development Process

No two projects are identical, that’s why we sit down with your business’s resident expert…YOU. We want to learn your story, what makes your story unique, and where your business is going. Of course where it is today is important, but you have goals and we need to look ahead to those as well. Beyond that, what are your hosting needs? Do you need a domain name? What’s your favorite color?

We then take all of the information we collected and come up with a custom solution for you. That gets translated from geek to plain English, and gets attached to a project quote. Why not an estimate? Well, we see as estimates as a guess and project budgets are usually better when there isn’t any guessing.

During this phase, we actually construct your site based on all of the wonderful new things we know about you and your business. You’ll have plenty of opportunities throughout the process to provide feedback, ask questions, and simply tell us how awesome of a job we’re doing.

Launch day is exciting! This is when all that hard work gets sent out into the real world for everyone to appreciate. Because our sites are built on Content Management Systems (CMS), you’ll also be trained on how to use it to keep your new site running strong. Want us to maintain your site? No problem, we can do that too. Either way, launch day is time to celebrate!